Understanding Early Decision and Early Action Applications

Should I apply to college early? That’s a question we often get asked at Avalon. And since there are approximately 450 colleges that offer early application options, it’s a fair question. Colleges are looking to fill their classes, and early applications allow them to have a portion of the incoming class staged early, which can…

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Part-Time Jobs + High School Students

brown and white pizza on white box

Part-time jobs allow students to gain valuable experience, learn new skills, and earn money. They also help develop important college-readiness and life skills like responsibility and money- and time- management. But sometimes finding a job that works for you is a full-time job in and of itself. Not excited about flipping burgers or mowing lawns?…

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Seeing Past College Rankings

College rankings have become a fixture in the college admissions process. Every year, magazines and websites publish lists of the “best” colleges in the country, and students and families are often influenced by these rankings as they make their college decisions. But it is important to remember that there are many other factors that should…

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