Host a College Admissions Process Webinar

At Avalon, we work with families at every stage of their college journey, helping students of all backgrounds find a path that aligns with their unique academic competencies, geographic preferences, and cultural desires. When you partner with us to host a webinar on the college admissions process, you are offering your organization additional value with no additional cost and minimal effort on your part!

Tailored to you!

  • Timing that’s convenient for your team
  • A one-time event or periodic sessions
  • A 45-minute session + time for Q&A
  • Customizable content

General Content

  • Overview of the college admissions process
  • Recent changes to the application process
  • Parent & student readiness
  • Planning tips
  • How Avalon College Advising can help
  • Q&A
a desk with a computer on top of it

Why Would One Participate? This webinar will help your family and their students…

  • Make Informed Decisions: The college admissions process can be stressful and difficult to navigate. Our webinars explain and cover recent changes to the application process, providing the knowledge needed to handle the process effectively.
  • Understand What Steps to Take: Whether a parent of a high school student or just thinking ahead about a younger student’s future, our webinars offer valuable insight into what students and parents should be doing and thinking as they plan for college.
  • Obtain Actionable Planning Advice: From standardized testing to activities to course selection: we have tips to help make informed choices and alleviate stress.
  • Get Expert Insight From College Advising Professionals: As a leading college advising organization, Avalon is dedicated to providing personalized support to students and families at every stage of the journey. During the webinar, we'll explore how Avalon can help throughout the admissions process.

Interested in Hosting a Webinar?

Get started by filling out our form