Part-Time Jobs + High School Students

brown and white pizza on white box

Part-time jobs allow students to gain valuable experience, learn new skills, and earn money. They also help develop important college-readiness and life skills like responsibility and money- and time- management. But sometimes finding a job that works for you is a full-time job in and of itself. Not excited about flipping burgers or mowing lawns? There are opportunities beyond babysitting and bussing tables if you are willing to look! Consider the following:

  • Tutor: If you are good at a particular subject, tutor other students.
  • Camp counselor: If you like working with kids, become a camp counselor. This is a great summer job that can allow you to spend time outdoors while learning lots of valuable skills.
  • Research assistant: If you are interested in a particular field of study,

contact a professor or researcher and be a research assistant.

  • Social media manager: If you are savvy with social media, offer your

services to a local business. You’ll earn money while learning about

marketing and brand management.

  • Dog walker/pet sitter: If you love animals, this is a flexible job that can double as exercise.

Sometimes finding a great part-time job is more about choosing an environment that suits you.

  • Are you a people-person? Run the register at a grocery store and chat with customers at checkout.
  • Love animals but need something more regular than pet-sitting?

Look for work at a zoo, farm, or wildlife rescue.

  • Into history? Become a tour guide for a local attraction.
  • Need to be active? Work at a rock-climbing gym or fitness center.
  • Introverted? Look for data entry or archival work, or stock shelves at stores.
  • Like perks? Choose a place you enjoy spending time it or whose ‘product’ you like… there are often discounts for employees!

Even if a part-time high school job seems menial, tedious, or irrelevant to your future, it holds great value. You’ll learn new skills, develop your work ethic, and gain experience that will be helpful in future endeavors — and of course earning some money doesn’t hurt! And a part-time job on a college or job application is always a plus.

When choosing a part-time job, it is important to consider your interests, skills, and schedule. Finding a job that is flexible enough to allow you to balance your work and school commitments is important. But if you’re creative and willing to reach out to people, the possibilities are endless!

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