Understanding the financial aid package you’re offered is key to reducing the cost of college. But what if your offer isn’t enough? Petitioning for additional aid is an (often overlooked) possibility. Many colleges offer multiple financial aid options, and the first one they send is not always the only option. It’s important to remember that colleges have the opposite goal as you; they are asking, “What is the least amount of money we can offer this student?”
Should I appeal? Appeals can be filed for both need-based and merit-based aid. Typical reasons for a need-based appeal might include death of a family member, unemployment, or medical conditions. These are “evidence-based” reasons, for which you should be able to present tangible evidence such as tax returns.
What schools accept appeals? You can expect the most attractive financial aid packages from schools looking to enroll more students or to improve their ranking. Some schools will even create a new scholarship to seal the deal with students who are still on the fence. You will probably have the most luck appealing for more money from these schools, so this might be a good place to start. If there is a specific school from which you are hoping to get more money, show them any better offers you have from other schools. This may prompt the college to match the best offer, since it shows that you are desired by other schools. On the other hand, know that most elite schools will not respond to appeals because of how many students want a spot.
How do I appeal? Appeals for aid are typically done via an email or physical letter to a school’s financial aid office. If you appeal, be respectful and deliberate in your letter. The officers reviewing your appeal are more likely to boost your package if you are polite. Appeals are generally brief, but spend time making sure that your letter is eloquent and includes a greeting and salutation and explicitly states your expectations for better aid options.
What if I missed the deadline? You can still appeal for better financial aid even if the school’s deposit deadline has passed (often May 1st). It’s better to appeal sooner rather than later, and nothing is guaranteed, but May 1st is not a hard deadline despite what many websites say. “Late” appeals are most likely to work out with schools that are continuing to enroll students into the late spring and early summer.