As you begin your college search, you may find it difficult to determine which colleges will best suit you. Most students start by looking at school rankings. But it’s crucial that you look beyond the rankings to other, more important factors that determine if a college will be a good fit. When you’re just getting started, cast a wide net. Later you’ll reduce your list of good-fit schools to between 8-12 best-fit options.
Rank Your Priorities
Create a list of what’s important to you and rank it from most important to least important, then compare that list with your parent’s list of priorities. Here are some factors to rank: Tuition / Affordability
- Social Scene/Greek Life
- Sports
- Curriculum/Courses
- Location
- School Size
- Housing
- Extracurriculars
To look past sticker price and get early, individualized estimates of financial aid, students can use a Net Price Calculator. Many colleges also offer aid in the form of scholarships. Speak to the admissions department to ask about their scholarship opportunities.
Bustling city or rural location surrounded by trees and mountains? Do you want a warm winter, or to be where the seasons change? Do you like to be near the ocean? Is it within driving distance of home? How close is the school to a major airport if you need to fly to/from home? It’s important to consider these questions, and to talk with your parents about your preferences.
Heading to college doesn’t mean you have to stop doing what you love. If you enjoy playing a sport for example, look into intramural sports at large schools or consider smaller colleges with club teams so you don’t have to hang up your cleats. In contrast, consider what you might want to try or participate in that’s new to you, and be certain your colleges provide those opportunities.
Do you prefer to hang in the back of a class and take notes, or are you the type of student that loves to participate in class discussions? Typically, the larger the school the larger the classes. Small classes do exist at large universities, but a typical first-year lecture hall at a large school can hold 150-300 students.
Although you may not have committed to a specific major, the college you attend should offer majors you’re considering. Is one school better known for your major? Visit college websites and reach out to faculty for more information. Also research the school’s 4-year graduation rate to get a sense of whether the student body reflects your level of dedication and drive.
Narrowing Down the List
Now that you’ve come up with a long list of possibilities, it’s time to be more selective. You have found colleges that meet your basic criteria (good-fit schools): now you’ll narrow down the list to schools that are the best fit. Your aim is to choose a college that not only “feels right” but will help you grow and accomplish your goals, without leaving you with heavy student debt.
College Visits and Fairs
Once you have your list together, schedule some college tours. Book your appointment in advance, as tours can fill up quickly. Most schools will have a walking tour and an information session. It’s a good idea to attend both. During the information session, you should come prepared with questions for the admissions officer and take good notes. Those notes will prove helpful when you fill out college application essays that ask, “Why are you interested in our college?”
Balance Your Choices
Once you’ve come up with a list of potential schools, talk with your counselor about dividing up your schools into four buckets that reflect your chances at admission:
Likely Match Reach Unlikely
Balance your list with 3-4 each of the likely, match, and reach schools, and just 1 or 2 unlikely schools.
Applying Early
Consider applying early decision or early action to your top choice college(s) to increase your odds of gaining acceptance. You’ll know by mid-December if you aren’t accepted to these schools, allowing you to send additional applications out in January.
Talk to Alum
As you finalize your school list, ask your advisor if they know of any alum from the colleges you are applying to. They may be able to connect you with an alum who you could interview by phone or in-person to learn more about the college.