Making the Most of Your Summers

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The cold of January is still upon us, and it’s time to think warm thoughts: summer planning should start now! A student’s activities can make their college application far more attractive to a college. Through their activities, a student demonstrates curiosity, initiative, and effort, among other things. Colleges want to see commitment to extracurriculars throughout the school year, but also that students are finding ways to develop their interests and/or demonstrate work ethic during the summer.

The options are endless…

Summer programs: Explore your interests through workshops, camps, courses or residential programs on college campuses. From robotics to art to leadership study, there’s something for every student. Residential programs have the added benefit of gaining life-on-campus experience, too. These programs demonstrate an interest in a particular area, which can be important when applying to competitive majors.

Free courses: Sites such as Coursera and edX offer a wide variety of subjects to study, and the sessions are often available in real-time or as asynchronous lessons. Many are free, and some even come with professional certifications.

Passions: Turn your hobbies into resume fuel! Start a business, write a blog, create a website–-summer is prime time for independent projects. Showcase your dedication and creativity, and who knows, it might even become your future career!

Work: Land an internship or take on a summer job. Gain valuable skills, explore potential career paths, and learn essential workplace etiquette. Be proactive, take on extra tasks, and impress your superiors; they could be your opportunity to get a glowing letter of recommendation.

Community service: Volunteering demonstrates compassion, leadership, and commitment to a cause. Plus, it’s a great way to learn new skills and meet like-minded people, and make an impact.

Research: Dive into something you love or are curious about: science, social science, or anything in between! Conducting research shows intellectual curiosity and dedication, and presenting your findings to others or even getting them published can give you academic clout.

Travel: Don’t just sightsee, though: make it educational! Immerse yourself in the local culture; learn some of the language or customs; deep-dive into the history of the area; try new foods or experiences; or take on a volunteer project.

Note: Popular programs fill up fast, so start planning now. Application deadlines can be as early as January, and may require essays, recommendations, and even test scores.

But don’t forget… Summer is also for rest and rejuvenation. Spend time with friends, read that epic novel, and recharge your batteries. Balance is key.