We recently attended the National Conference for Independent Educational Consultants Association – IECA). These are our takeaways from the session on Testing in the Time of Covid -19.
Presenter: Drew Heilpern, Summit Educational Group
These are the current planned testing dates:
– SAT – Aug, Sept, Nov
– ACT – June/July, Sept, Oct, Dec
For regular decision – November and December tests are fine
Students should be prioritizing SAT/ACT over Subject tests
– Maintain a sane and sensible testing plan
– Many students peak on test performance fall of senior year so don’t worry about the
lack of testing junior year
– Colleges are keenly aware of testing challenges & these changes are impacting all
students equally
– Deprioritize subject tests – since June tests were cancelled, colleges are not
expecting to see those scores
Statement from Tulane:
“Whatever your school does, we’ll support it. If you have only Pass/Fail grades in the second semester, we’ll totally understand. We’ll give you the benefit of the doubt in every single way we can. Go to your online classes, do the best you can, make your presence felt, try your hardest. We’ll notice, trust me.”