As a student (or parent of a student) in middle school, college may feel far off. But it’s closer than you think! As the adage goes, the days are long but the years are short… A middle schooler’s main focus is probably more about mastering the art of locker combos and finding ways to make TikToks during class than planning for college, but setting a few simple goals now can make high school (and—gulp—college applications) low-stress.
Learn the Art of Studying: Think homework is a drag? It can be! But good study habits are like superpowers in high school and college. Organize your binder, meet those deadlines, and pay attention in class. It’ll set you up for success when the work gets tougher. Need help? Consider downloading an app that can help you track to-dos and your schedule.
Challenge Yourself, But Don’t Be a Hero: Colleges love to see students push themselves. So take tough courses, and consider AP (Advanced Placement) or IB (International Baccalaureate (IB) options. But grades matter, so know your limits and take classes where you can still be successful.
Catch Up, Then Stay Ahead: Struggling in a subject? Seek help early. The longer you wait, the more involved the material will become. If you don’t have the basics down, you won’t be able to keep up with new information and lessons. Many schools have peer tutors you can work with, or consider a paid tutor or extra classes. Boosting your grades now opens doors to more opportunities later.
Find A Passion (Project): College applications dig deep into your extracurricular activities. Middle school is the perfect time to explore what might interest you, so take every opportunity–sports, clubs, volunteering–and find what makes your heart sing. Bonus points for leadership and dedication!
Read: The more you read, the more you know. The more you know, the better prepared you are and the more opportunities you’ll have–it’s as simple as that. Reading builds vocabulary, critical thinking, and can help you prep for the SAT (without extra prepping!) for the SAT. Graphic novels to blogs, anything goes!
Dream Big, But Plan Smart: Talk to your parents about college and careers now. Whether you have big dreams or have no clue what you want to do in life, thinking about your future now is the key. Knowing what your options are helps turn dreams into reality, or can save you months of stress and debate when the time comes to make decisions about college.
Consider Costs: Thinking about money might make your head spin. But college can be affordable (even free, in some cases), so start talking with your parents now about how you’ll cover college costs. Think about scholarships, loans, work-study, and community colleges, plus those AP/IB credits? They can save you thousands of dollars in college expenses. Familiarize yourself with the options – knowledge is power.
Remember, this isn’t about stressing over college. It’s about laying a solid foundation so high school becomes a launchpad, instead of a pressure cooker. Having a plan makes a big difference. Do the work now so you can relax before rocking those applications in a few years.